aaTuorlo Designer
Albero is a versatile table. È composto interamente in acciaio da un piano che può essere rotondo, quadrato o triangolareIt is made entirely of steel by a top that can be round, square or triangular and by a central leg whose section with three or four faces rises by bending to act as a support. e da una gamba centrale la cui sezione a tre o quattro facce sale piegandosi afare da sostegno. It adapts to any need for accommodation in space, communicating grace and strength at the same time. The colors are those of Officinanove, born to inspire.
Material: Steel, aluminum.
Dimensions:– “FIR”: h. 50cm, piano: 54x46cm;
– “PINE”: h. 60cm. piano: 70x70cm;
– “OAK”: h. 78,5cm, piano: 120x120cm;to order the product write to info@officinanove.it;