TUBOOM, the perfect line coat stand
Design by Giulio IacchettiTuboom:
The Mini StoriesI don't want to be the usual dusty pro, a faded copy of everyone who came before me. I want people to come to me because I do my job well and because they feel comfortable. Things have changed a lot compared to past decades and perhaps now they will be ready to accept it. Appearance matters. I don't want to have the usual formal and unadorned studio, which communicates awe and non-acceptance, with those dim lights that turn off emotions. No, I will be different. Starting from the entrance. The Tuboom coat hanger will light up the room with its bright color. My clients will 'feel' what I have to offer. An explosion of professionalism and humanity.

Tuboom, a line that brings everyone together.
Piantana tubolare che culmina con cinque ganci appendiabiti, la forza di Tuboom sta nella linea decisa. Realizzato in acciaio è verniciabile nei molti colori disponibili. Un bell’oggetto che arreda con semplicità.
Design by Giulio Iacchetti