Nature and color in the coat stand TRIPOD 2.0
Design by Antonio NoreroTripod 2.0:
The Mini StoriesWhen I was a child on Christmas day we went to lunch with the uncles with the whole family. I was secretly waiting for that moment, not so much for lunch itself or for gifts - which also attracted me a lot - but because that day I was allowed to open a red suitcase which for the rest of the year remained tightly closed on top of the wardrobe. There were a lot of pawns and board games in there that I didn't even understand the name of. But the magical sound of the wood and plastic of those tiles was like a balm to me. The excitement reached its peak with one game in particular, Shanghai. I loved it but I could only play it that day, once a year. When I first saw the coat hanger Tripod it was like immersing myself in that excitement again. I took it and placed it in the hall and now it's like it's always Christmas.

Tripod awakens the child in you.
The theme of the game is what gives this coat stand uniqueness. You can arrange it however you want and choose the finish that best represents you. At home as in a public place you can create fun and colorful compositions to welcome your guests.
Design by Antonio Norero